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mr grady
S2 licensed
did anyone catch massa's comments?

massa threatened hamilton with "an aggresive" race.

imo the t*at isnt too happy with our new stars success.

now i remember why i hate ferrari.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Regarding hamilton, i do get a bit miffed when folks say he is "lucky" because the car is fast and reliable.
thats what every F1 driver requires to win.
as far as lewis being brought into F1 because ron dennis paid for his racing, i say fair play.
ron must have seen something he liked in lewis many years ago. it could have backfired and ron could have had a "Zanardi situation" like williams did a few seasons ago.
i believe that in F1, the yardstick a driver must use to gauge himself against is his teammate. lewis is in the position of measuring himslf against alonso, the double world champion who beat schumacher into retirement.......and i think he is doing a bloody good job so far, for a F1 ROOKIE (not racing rookie)

mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :
Once again Hamilton impressed - a great opening couple of corners. I hope he can take the pressure throughout the season, but I still don't think I'd be able to bring myself to support him - he's too 'Ron Dennis' in his ways to be truly human.


he can have 3 heads as far as im concerned.

he has shown what a great RACING driver he is.

what a credit to the Mclaren team and his country he is.
mr grady
S2 licensed
fantastic result for the sliver arrows.

alonso is quite simply the best, but hamilton is amazing.

massa drove like a LFS noob.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :NASCAR seems so boring i dont know how you ameicans watch it they just drivearound in a circle for hours

Formula 1 all day long

each to their own i say.

ive watched nascar and driven in an online league, it was good fun, bristol being one of the best, 110% concentration needed.......not like a long straight where you can relax a tad.

anyway, ive watched F1 for years....and some races have been soooooooooo booooooring!
mr grady
S2 licensed
mine was a game on the amiga where you raced lotus sports cars.........cant remember the title. "sigh"......old age i guess
mr grady
S2 licensed
flashing lights.....i'd give you 7.5/10
mr grady
S2 licensed
i agree thats its a potential risk to other drivers...........

but............what a PLONKER!

i wonder if the driver or his (now ex?)mate posted it on youtube.

laff, laff, laff.then rest.

very funny.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :As far as i'm concerned there's no faster way to break the elastic holding my knickers up.

nice one becky. you are now responsible for a sqillion male teenage wet dreams!
mr grady
S2 licensed

funds for car im going to have to drop out.
thanks for taking the time to organise it, i hope you guys have a great time.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :

i 2nd that....gr8 song
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from mattupson :Laughed the whole way through, loved every bit of it.

Although, did anyone find Kristan Scott Thomas a bit, well, dull?


TBH, after watching her, i cant see what he see's in her.

dame ellen from a few shows ago was loads more fun, and dare i say with it?
mr grady
S2 licensed
i get fret/ string buzz on my bass.

only notice it at home because i have the amp so quiet.

when im having a lesson, both guitar and bass are turned up feckin LOUD........then you cant hear the fret buzz!!!

get a spinal tap amp..they go up to eleven
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :You sure have the chest wig of a rock star.

the only wig was on my head!!!!

is that a good or bad thing?
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :With Kiss? Strange choice! I'd quite like to play bass with Fishbone or Galliano or if I had to pick a rock band maybe Led Zep, Thin Lizzy or even Spinal Tap, but Kiss?

they have been my favorite band. i've listened to them for 27 years, so their music has been a big part of my life.(hell, come new years eve.ive dressed as them! pic.)
also, check out a lot of the major rock bands............most of them are quoted as saying that the new york foursome were a major influence on them.
nirvarna, metallica, anthrax.......
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :12) Drive car around a track

for my birthday, im going to drive several cars around thruxton circuit!

as for my wish....

play bass onstage with kiss.
mr grady
S2 licensed
1. any ford escort.
the most successful rally car, as a road car for joe public, reliable and cheap to run. ive had a few myself.

2. land rover 90.
the true "go anywhere vehicle". as used by the SAS..say no more.

3.Porsche 911.
a motoring icon.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :Guiness? Man they should just stick to making world records books.
I ordered some a that stuff once. It was in a can (YUCK!). Anyways, I go to drink it
and something solid in the can hits my mouth. I'm thinking finger. Someone down at the brewery screwed up and lost a finger and I found it....turned out to be some plastic ball.
Well I go off on the waiter about there being a plastic ball in the beer.
Even though I was estatic about it NOT being a finger, a ball ain't too cool either. the manager comes out and explains to me that the ball is in the can deliberately so it can be swished around and mix the flavor around.
He even gives me another can.
I'm sorry, but when you swish beer around, it should foam up and shoot out of the can. You shouldn't have to swish a ball around in a decent brew.

As far as UK beers goes, I like Bass Ale. I can rest assured with that brand that if I feel something hit my mouth when I tilt that bottle back it won't be a stupid flavor ball. It'll be a finger!...
No wait. That came out wrong.....

i was just about to slag you for what you wrote about guinness....but then you mentioned Bass........a hell of a pint, and imo better at room temp.

also, i went out with a woman who drank guinness and black...strange i must admit. maybe its a woman not being able to park (OMG..waits for female backlash) is that becky rose loading a 12 gauge? only kidding ladies!
mr grady
S2 licensed
well done on your pass.

mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from DeKo :is daytona 500 on any normal UK tv channel? I.E something that isnt sky, although freeview is acceptable.

i believe it is on ch5 on sunday night.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from Christofire :TFFT. She's *awful*. The fact that tripe was nominated signals how worthless the awards are.

Not that I feel strongly about the matter.

my god, i thought i was the only person in the world who thought she is a talentless, crap singer

god bless you, lets get together over a pint!!!
mr grady
S2 licensed
thats such a great story.
i find toilet humour so bloody funny...guess its a guy thing!

in the sorting office where i work there are five stalls, you should try being in one of them when the other four are in use!

the noises and smells should be bottled and used as a weapon of mass destruction!
mr grady
S2 licensed
my pc setup is different now.but im still using my trusty old nissan micra seat.
it came from a mates car that he was scrapping. i reckon one similar from a scrappy would set you back 20 - 40 quid........

and after sitting in a normal computer seat i wouldnt swap it for anything.

go for the car will love it!
mr grady
S2 licensed
it was pretty windy here last night too

i expect the curry i had may have been a factor!
mr grady
S2 licensed
please blame it on my age, and that im due a mid life crisis........but i find sabrine so very sexy!
perhaps its the "woman and powerful car" not saying women shouldnt drive cars like that at all. fair play to her, she is an excellent driver...and bloody gorgeous to boot!

puff, puff, pant.........lust over!!!!